Pillowcase Game

Are you searching for a fun activity to play with your grandchildren? Here’s one that my grandkids have enjoyed beginning at age three.
For Young Children – Gather a variety of toys and household items that are familiar to the child, such as: a toy car, ball, spoon, hair brush, toothbrush, small box, baby rattle, large bell, crayons, beaded necklace, sippy cup, plastic bowl, small stuffed animal, etc.
Place all items in a pillowcase. The child puts both hands inside the pillowcase, and examines one object at a time, without peeking. (This is key. Some kids will try to peek.) The child names the object he has selected, then takes it out of the pillowcase to see if he’s right. The game continues until he guesses all of the items.
For Older Children – Collect items that might be more challenging, such as a key, tape dispenser, pen, emery board, spool of thread, hair curler, empty bottle, sock, crumbled paper, large button, pompom, paint brush, TV remote, measuring spoons, small measuring cup, clothespin, large paper clip, jewelry, compact, etc.
*My grandkids also like to gather items around the house to put in the pillowcase for me to guess!