Tie Dye Butterflies

Make cute, colorful butterflies with a few simple steps.
2 coffee filters
1 clothespin for body
1 chenille pipe cleaner for antennae
Washable markers
Washable paint for clothespin
Small paint brush
Quilting thread or thin string for hanging
Tacky glue
Spray bottle or eye dropper
Wax paper
Heavy plastic shower curtain liner to cover table
*Make a sample for children to follow.
- Cover workspace with shower curtain liner.
- Paint clothespin and set aside on wax paper to dry.
- Use your hands to flatten two coffee filters.
- Draw designs on both filters using markers.
- Place filters on wax paper. Fill spray bottle with water and mist coffee filters. Or, use eye dropper filled with water to dampen filters. Colors will blend. Dry coffee filters thoroughly.
- To make wings, fold a narrow crease on one edge of a coffee filter. Turn filter over and make another fold in opposite direction, like making a paper fan. Repeat until entire filter is folded. Repeat with 2nd filter.
- Stack wings together and pinch at center. Open clothespin and slip wings inside opening. Gently unfold wings.
- Fold pipe cleaner in half and place folded end inside tip of clothespin. Curl ends to form antennae.
- To make the hanger, cut a 16” piece of thread and knot ends together. Slip knotted end inside clothespin. Open clothespin and place a dot of tacky glue to secure antennae and thread.